Trading Reports – June 2015


Welcome in my trading report for June 2015.

Are you interested what result I achieve and to overview statistics? I invite you to my report πŸ™‚

The most important events on stock exchange in June
|June began quite unpleasantly. Minor changes by the clearing company had quite strong impact on one of my strategies. The change involved a problem with closing of some long positions. Peculiarly painful it was on scalping. In relation to this change, for two first weeks of June I recorded a loss. It was the first time in daytrading of my history. As can be seen for everything comes time.

Admittedly, in the first week I didn’t play during 3 sessions, so it’s not entirely 2 first weeks. However, I rarely finish the week on minus. To market changes as well as to changes related with restrictions implemented by Compliance at the broker it is necessary to adapt.

So I quickly did. From 15 June implemented changes started being less oppressive, resulting in fast catching up losses.

Despite everything, June wasn’t full of good signals up to my strategies. Only at the end was a bit different. It was also associated with a greater number of decline sessions, which I like the most. In a few days will begin a new season of quarterly results – so again there will be changeability on many companies.

Number of trading days
In June there was 21 trading days.

Personally I trade in June in 18 sessions. I missed 3 sessions due to sickness.

Events affecting trading
At the end of June, a bit more changeability resulted from events associated with Greece. We had also three witches and breaking Russel down. This provided a bit greater changeability and volume.

Monthly balance sheet
I finished the June with a result: 5.57%.
Previous month: 13.95%
This is a result including average capital, which in the month scale was invested in opened positions.

Summary result from the beginning of year: 48,52%.
This is a result including average capital, which in the month scale was invested in opened positions.

I have a constant level of used capital. I don’t raise it, because I don’t have such a need – I use solid strategies that are adapted up to specified value of opened position. Invested funds are increased, when I raise the volume of opened positions. Therefore, it is included in the monthly balance sheet.

Generated profits in a given month are paid from the trading account.

Transaction statistics
Below I present analysis of concluded transactions. This analysis is carried out by me every day before the session. Below I place an analysis in the scale of entire month along with information which from my point of view are the most important and to which I pay attention modifying my strategy in subsequent sessions.

In June I conducted 3096 transactions to the total number of 182 companies. Majority of transactions were carried out with a use of scalping and breakouts/breakdowns strategies, as well as tape reading.

Average value of a single position
Average value to opened position: 1158 shares.
Previous month: 1283 shares. Decrease of 9.7% average position value.

As can be seen the average size of position little dropped. It was a problem to trade on some companies – in relation to the problem with executions of orders; it affected on reduction of played position in this period.

Average time of keeping all positions.
In June: 5 minutes 38 seconds (in May 3 minutes 29 seconds).

With division into positions:

  • long: 3 minutes 38 seconds
  • short: 7 minutes 45 seconds

This is fully in line with strategies, which I use. The vast majority of my short positions are longer built, so their time is nearly twice more than the position played on increases.

In case of growth positions I use above all scalping entry, i.e. very short.

The situation didn’t change in comparison to May, because such are assumptions of played by me strategies.

Transaction effectiveness
Effectiveness in June: 48.41% (in May 50.94%)

With division into positions:

  • long: 45.89%
  • short: 51.09%

Effectiveness of short transactions is greater than long ones. In June my effectiveness of long positions much dropped. I described the reason in the introduction of this report. In short, from long positions on companies where SSR regulations were active (short sale rule), I could come out only on uptick, providing liquidity to the market. This way it is possible to enter only into short selling. Unfortunately, compliance made some changes in the clearing company that apply to settlement of traders within the proptrading group – hence such an effect. However, I already became accustomed to this change. It is necessary quickly to adapt to changes.

I can admit that in my case these changes resulted in a reduction number of conducted transactions. They are less, but… I can assess this change in about 1, 2 or 3 months when substantial amount of data will be taken into statistics.

Effectiveness with division into hours
In the last month, greatest effectiveness was recorded in 20 first minutes of the session. They were mainly transactions under breakouts/breakdowns. In the following hours there was more scalping. Effectiveness then dropped under 50%, but still close to its border. Pre-market – here’s not much to analyze –> low effectiveness, but I conducted only 4 transactions in pre-market in the entire month.

How it looked like in last month:

Conducted transactions between 9:30 am – 9:50 am brought about 70% of generated in the last month profits.


Effectiveness with division into weekdays
Friday effectiveness is surprising – usually similar to average level from the entire month, in previous month much deviating from remaining. Also Friday (apart from Monday) was a day in which I generated the largest % of profits.

Fixed costs from trading
Below I present costs that involve use of: platform, quoting, additional orders of shorts from the HTB list (hard to borrow).

  1. Trading platform: 130$/month
  2. Quoting: 285.74$/month
  3. Sterling Scanner: 40$/month
  4. Trade Ideas scanner: 43$/month
  5. Benzinga PRO news: 39$/month
  6. Hard to borrow list: 27$

Fixed costs is a platform and quoting (in case of quoting I use all data, hence the maximum price). Additionally, I use scanners and system of news.

Hard to borrow – it’s cost of order additional shorts, which aren’t free available in a given session.

Note that I don’t treat the above mentioned charges as an expense. Of course, if they weren’t – I wouldn’t be mad πŸ™‚ However, they constitute an indispensable monthly element. The same as loss positions, there are costs which I incur in order to use fully my strategies.

Thank you for reviewing my report trading. In consecutive month there will be other! Meanwhile, feel free to add comments below!

Described above statistics concern the account, which I use as part of; It is group of Proprietary Trading type – focused on trading on American stock exchanges of NYSE | NASDAQ | AMEX.


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