Trading Reports – December 2015


Welcome in my trading report for December 2015. A little bit later than normaI I will publish it. But recently I haven’t time for doing that. I will also publish in few minutes trading reports for January 2016. It was very short month for me. In last 2 weeks of December I wasn’t trading. I was resting before start of new year.

If you wanna now my result and trading statistics for December – read more.

The most important events on stock exchange in December
Nothing important happen on markets in December. But if we take a look at S&P 500 – December might be the month that sentiment on market change from bullish to bearish. We need confirmation but market looks very similar to 2007-2008 in my opinion.

Number of trading days
In December there was 22 trading days. On session closed earlier 1 p.m.
Personally I trade in December  in 12 sessions. On the rest I have some holidays. December was the last month that I’ve been trading all my strategies. From January I focus just on 4 strategies.

Events affecting trading
Yeap, I’ve been implementing some changes in my trading. More about that you can read in this two articles:

  1. How was your 2015? And what’s your plan for 2016?
  2. It is time for changes in my trading strategies.

Monthly balance sheet
I finished the December with a result: 1,8%.
Previous month: 4,41%
This is a result including average capital, which in the month scale was invested in opened positions.

Probably worst month in 2015. But anyway all 2015 was great. Looking forward for great 2016!

Summary result from the beginning of year: 112.78%.
This is a result including average capital, which in the month scale was invested in opened positions.

I have a constant level of used capital. I don’t raise it, because I don’t have such a need – I use solid strategies that are adapted up to specified value of opened position. Invested funds are increased, when I raise the volume of opened positions. Therefore, it is included in the monthly balance sheet.

Generated profits in a given month are paid from the trading account.

Transaction statistics
Below I present analysis of concluded transactions. This analysis is carried out by me every day before the session. Below I place an analysis in the scale of entire month along with information which from my point of view are the most important and to which I pay attention modifying my strategy in subsequent sessions.

In November I conducted 2067 transactions to the total number of 134 companies. Mosly tape reading, breakdown/breakouts and scalping.

Average value of a single position
Average value to opened position: 1158 shares.
Previous month: 1051 shares.

Average time of keeping all positions.
In December: 6 minutes 08 seconds (in November 2 minutes 43 seconds).

With division into positions:

  • long: 4 minutes 17 seconds
  • short: 10 minutes 59 seconds

As you can notice, my average is almost 3 times higher than normal. That the result of adding some changes into my strategies. I trade less, but I hold position longer.

Transaction effectiveness
Effectiveness in December: 44.55% (in November 45.06%)

With division into positions:

  • long: 45.47%
  • short: 42.14%

The effectiveness in December remain almost the same like in November. But effectiveness for breakdown/breakout strategies is almost 70%. That is huuuge.

Effectiveness with division into hours
Pre market – again with best effectiveness. I like trading when there is not a lot of algos on market. It started few months ago… and still I trade not a lot between 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. so during lunch time.

How it looked like in last month:

Effectiveness with division into weekdays
Last month that I’ve been publishing effectiveness with division into weekdays. This analysis doesn’t bring my any good feedback.

Fixed costs from trading
Below I present costs that involve use of: platform, quoting, additional orders of shorts from the HTB list (hard to borrow).

  1. Trading platform: 130$/month
  2. Quoting: 285.74$/month
  3. Sterling Scanner: 40$/month
  4. Trade Ideas scanner: 74$/month (use special coupon codes for Trade Ideas just for readers!)
  5. Benzinga PRO news: 39$/month
  6. Hard to borrow list: 17$

Fixed costs is a platform and quoting (in case of quoting I use all data, hence the maximum price). Additionally, I use scanners and system of news.

Hard to borrow – it’s cost of order additional shorts, which aren’t free available in a given session.

Note that I don’t treat the above mentioned charges as an expense. Of course, if they weren’t – I wouldn’t be mad 🙂 However, they constitute an indispensable monthly element. The same as loss positions, there are costs which I incur in order to use fully my strategies.

Thank you for reviewing my report trading. In consecutive month there will be other! Meanwhile, feel free to add comments below!

Described above statistics concern the account, which I use as part of; It is group of Proprietary Trading type – focused on trading on American stock exchanges of NYSE | NASDAQ | AMEX.


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