Browsing: Trading Reports

Trading reports Trading Report

Welcome in my trading report for July and August 2016. Because I had not enough time, I’ve decided to split this reports into one. During holidays I haven’t been trading so much. Mostly because of taking a break, preparing for a DayTrader Event conference and because nothing interested happend on markets. If you wanna now

Trading reports Trading Report

Welcome in my trading report for June 2016. Very tough month for me. I wasn’t focused on trading – too many problem with my son which influenced me more than I think. During that period it is better not to trading at all. But anyway some things are getting better so now I’m back to

Trading reports Trading Report

Welcome in my trading report for May 2016. I was totally focused on trading this month. Great signals especially on stocks in price range that I like to trade so up to 30$. Currently I’ve been working on my 5th edition of DayTrader Event Conference. If you wanna now my result and trading statistics for

Trading reports Trading Report

Welcome in my trading report for April 2016. Great signals, very nice market. But anyway it was my first month ever that I finished on small red. If you wanna now my result and trading statistics for April – read more.

Trading reports Trading Report

Welcome in my trading report for March 2016. Very short month for me. Some other things took place in my life, so I wasn’t able to focus on trading. Sometimes it is better to take a break when you are not able to trade in 100%. But anyway on these sessions that I have chance

Trading reports Trading Report

Welcome in my trading report for February 2016. Great volume, volatility – nothing more than I can ask for 🙂 I hope this will continue in next weeks, months. If you wanna now my result and trading statistics for February – read more.