Browsing: Day Trading

Articles sympathy plays

In recent days we can see DRYS Company on the board. Withing 11 sessions it increased from 0.3$ to 102$. It is really unprecedented movement. For me DRYS Company was not so obvious – with volatility, spread. It is trading not up to my style. However, this movement I also used on companies, on which

Articles Hot stocks

For me, finding right stocks to trade is the basis allowing me to start considering potential gains from transactions. That is why I am so interested in finding the so-called hot stocks, in the case of which the potential for preparing a setup for my trading strategies is decent. In order to find such companies,

Articles Risk reward

I wire out my trading profits monthly, so my balance of profit/losses on the first day of month is on 0. I could say that every month I start from the beginning. But that is far from truth. I will just tell about them today and also how important is good risk reward ratio and

Articles Daytrading courses

I receive many enquiries – whether I would be willing to conduct training about daytrading of stock exchanges, tape reading or just developmental training in the trading office. I refuse. So I receives next enquiries – whom would I recommend for training. Then again, emptiness in my head, because I don’t know! Only once I

Articles Advantages and disadvantages of daytrading

Before I became a daytrader, I tried to invest in different intervals – from several days of investments to nearly 1 year. There were profits, losses; generally for me it wasn’t worth the effort. In spite of different assumption in keeping the position and I sat by most of my free time at the graphs.

Articles Profitable trading

Before I started regularly to make money on the stock-market, I forced my way through most of trading instruments, intervals and strategy. Was it worthwhile? It was. But I’ve lost a lot of time and a little money. I don’t even regret money, because losses are a form of the learning, from which I most

Articles Intuition in trading

I’ve always had in the head thoughts to close in certain, brightly described frames – that what I trade. So that the signal of strategies played by me would appear and announced where I’m supposed to enter, and where to leave the position. This would allow me to automate my strategy, and thanks to that

Articles Attitude in trading

Every trading session I start with a quite positive attitude. I wrote about it already repeatedly, how important good preparation from the mental side is. Today I would like to approach the subject a little bit differently. I will try to show you how attitude in trading can affect your results. How not to expect


From time to time I meet with quite surprising identifying effective strategies, with something that needs to be complicated, secret, etc. For years I trade using the simplest assumptions of technical and volume analysis – I recognize the simplicity and this brings effects. Why to it mix up? The strategy not has to be complicated.