Browsing: Basics

Articles Trading strategy

Recently quite a lot of new traders joined my proprietary trading group Very often the same mistake is repeated, or rather is an outline of action. They want too quickly and too much πŸ™‚ The goal in each of them is the same, to earn as soon as possible. Of course, these are good

Articles pump and dumps

In recent months, again, I focused more on cheap stocks; on so-called pump and dumps, about which I already wrote repeatedly. Pumps are companies, which not necessarily on the basis of any news – generate a very strong growth movement. As soon as it comes to the increase, it may also move downward; resulting in

Articles Control emotions

Trading doesn’t forgive mistakes. But nobody forbids you to eliminate them. Losses can be painful and may lead to frustration, which constitutes a large dose of stress. It is necessary to find the balance and a way to shake off the stress. Do you have such? ControlΒ  emotions – easy to say but hard to


Day trading strategies – scalping. It is strategy that I have been using since late 2007. In this strategy I try to catch mostly few cents of move or up to 15-25 cents. All depends on situation and potential of move that can be generated. In article below you will find description of this strategy

Articles Day trading strategies

Trader’s potential is determined by harmonizing of a few important features, which affect the shape and diversity of transaction. Personality features (this subject will be described by me very often), and the use of principles while investing is also a kind of foundation, which in combination with rational and consistent use of own investment strategy

Articles Tape reading strategies

In the last article I described two tools used by me in daytrading on US stock markets: Level II and Time and Sales. Today I will present, some of tape reading strategies based on reading from tools mentioned above, which you can use in day trading investments.

Articles Tape reading

Tape Reading, reading from the tape, it’s one of daytrading strategies, which deepening can help in maximization of your profits and to reduce losses. It is trading strategy, which is well-suited in day trading investments on the stock markets. It is worth to emphasize that reading from the tape enables to capture specific setups (systems,

Articles Intuition in trading

I’ve always had in the head thoughts to close in certain, brightly described frames – that what I trade. So that the signal of strategies played by me would appear and announced where I’m supposed to enter, and where to leave the position. This would allow me to automate my strategy, and thanks to that

Articles Attitude in trading

Every trading session I start with a quite positive attitude. I wrote about it already repeatedly, how important good preparation from the mental side is. Today I would like to approach the subject a little bit differently. I will try to show you how attitude in trading can affect your results. How not to expect


From time to time I meet with quite surprising identifying effective strategies, with something that needs to be complicated, secret, etc. For years I trade using the simplest assumptions of technical and volume analysis – I recognize the simplicity and this brings effects. Why to it mix up? The strategy not has to be complicated.

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