Hello, my name is Tomek Przybycień. I created BeDayTrader.com service to help you in a successful start in the world of trading on US Stock Markets. My goal is to help people who, as me nearly 10 years ago, want to join trading and make this both your source of income and to a certain extent, a way of life. I hope you will start trading with me!
If you won’t try, you won’t know – Start trading
In a few years you can say: it is a pity that I didn’t try, maybe today I would be a good trader. Native residents of distant corners of the world often repeated to me, when they served a strange dish in a form of worms, etc. 🙂 “You never try, you never know”. The same thing you can say about the stock market – you never try, you never know whether it was good for you.
Treat trading as a business
Period of learning trading for me was with a different effect. A turning point was in 2007, when I concentrated on one thing, but specifically. From the beginning I decided to treat trading as a business – with a clear plan. So that there was nothing by chance (although I admit that luck in trading is sometimes also useful :). I assume that if I managed to work on the market – you also should try!
Daytrading – change of perception
In order to begin learning and adventure as a trader of day trading, above all it is necessary to understand the specificity of this trading style as well as appropriately to found yourself in it.
First of all – please read the basics. What is Day trading?
I try to point a quite strong remark to it. I’m not an investor, I’m a TRADER. I’m not interested in the situation of company; I’m interested in changes which are generated. Thanks to that I don’t have the smallest scruples in order to quickly close the position when something happens. Often too big getting to know the company often influences that trader “knows it” and it doesn’t allow for an objective assessment of the situation. Materials which are available on the site should help you to fully understand my approach to daytrading and (seems to me) to centre what’s important and less important as for trading.
My trading components
How to prepare to trading – it is important for person who just begins adventure with markets. And this is quite important question. The answers you will find on Day-Trader.pl in thematic articles, which I constantly and regularly publish.
Did you ever get behind steering wheel without driving skills? If so, most probably you didn’t drive too far? The same is with trading. Please don’t plan your trading without basic knowledge and ability. There is enthusiasm, excitement at the beginning, perhaps a golden shot will come up, and then trading farce. Before you will begin trading, you must gain knowledge, which will increase your chances to succeed on the stock-market.
Adequate preparation for the session should be a routine for you. Prepared trading strategy, risk management and effective trading plan are important. You must be prepared for the session every day!
When you already have a knowledge, developed strategy and prepared trading plan –> start your real trading!
Ski jumpers record their every jump, in order to analysis them, they draw right conclusions. They constantly learn from mistakes, and from successes choose what’s best. The same is in trading – analysis of transaction, adaptation strategies to changing market. Learn on own mistakes – because defeats are a natural thing in trading.
You just start? What you must know for the start!
If you want to achieve success in daytrading, which in my opinion is measurable with stability of profits generated in a long time, you must fully realize what daytrading is.
Daytrading is a trading style, which the transaction is opened and closed during the same trading session. In daytrading I don’t count % of profits, important are changes which was generated at appropriate volume of the position.
Of course, that’s all results from components such as: strategy selection, adequate risk management, work on your emotions and observance of basic principles.
Start with reading this articles:
- How to start in trading – I want to be a trader – best at once!
- How long does it take to become a trader?
- What are the worst mistakes begginers traders make?
- How to succeed in trading and begin systematically to make money!
You should also take a time and read this articles:
- How to reduce commission in trading? Or even not pay it at all.
- Trading a downtrend – why I like it most? Really you should read it – trading on declines is very profitable!
- NYSE and NASDAQ – two largest stock exchanges. You should know what you trade 🙂
- Day trading rules – 3 most important to me.
- To which group of traders do you belong?
- 30 trading advices – what works in my day trading!
- Attitude in trading – Today I will earn 🙂
- Intuition in trading – not only strategy is important!
- How to achieve better results in trading.
- Advantages and disadvantages in day trading.
- The risk in trading in first 15-30 minutes of trading session.
- Whether day trading courses will help you to become better trader?
- Why studies won’t teach you how to trade on the market?
- How much money do I need to trade stocks?
- How to deal with overtrading?
- What is front running? How to deal with it.
- What is the risk of trading declines? About short squeeze.
- About position management – how I increase the size of traded position.
- 5 way to improve you day trading focus.
Information about quotes, platform that you need to know:
- Trading desk setup – check my trading workstation.
- 6 Best Free Stock Charts.
- Which day trading platform choose?
- Day trading stock quotes – difference between Level I and Level II.
- How to connect monitors to laptop – in case that you will trade on your laptop and need more monitors.
Interested in Proprietary Trading – check this articles:
- Proprietary trading – what is that?
- Why prop trading? Difference between prop trading and retail account.
Three further steps
In order to begin trading you must undertake three steps, which you can carry out simultaneously.
Step #1 – Trading
In order to trade, you need adequate tools. Including the most important – platform and account. Finding and opening such an account in nowadays is quite simple. If you don’t know how to do it, check “Trading Tools” and “Online Stock Brokers” sections. I share there with tools, which I use or used. If you don’t know which broker to choose, I prepared a special questionnaire, thanks to which I will help you with a choice of appropriate broker according to my opinion.
Step #2 – Education
Towards this I want you to use materials and articles, which you will find on BeDayTrader.com and video materials which I publish on PolishDayTrader (most videos is with english subtitles) channel on YouTube a few years. Remember that a trader is characterized by sustainable development – even the best ones! If you just start, don’t let yourself to loss which would result from lack of knowledge.
If you don’t want to miss information about new materials published by me, add your e-mail below. In the newsletter you won’t receive any advertisements promising golden stars, only information about new, valuable materials which I will add on BeDayTrader.com.
Step #3 – Analysis
Learn a lesson from what you are doing, what you’ve learn, what the intuition and common sense suggests. I analyze results after every session. Every month on Day-Trader.pl you will find my trading report and conclusions which I draw from results in monthly summary.
I invite to “Trading Report” – which I start publishing few months ago just to show – that consistency is very important in this business!
Remember that…
On BeDayTrader.com I’m not going to build the daytrading strategy with you. It is your task, in which I will only partly help, relying on my preparations, used strategies and experience which I have.
If 10 years ago I had a chance to sit down with a guy, who already has experience on the stock-market, I would be really delighted. Not because I would like him to pass his strategies to me (I know after all these years that not everything what works for other person must also be successful for me). But because thanks to his reflection or advice I can in a better way and more quickly get to know, and understand a lot of aspects from the stock-market. Probably I would make all possible mistakes one more time – because emotions and their impact on decision process won’t be possible to jump or to take control after reading books or hearing advice. However, I would differently perceive and respond to all appearing problems in my head.
Don’t look for Guru
I don’t consider myself as a trading guru. I learn, develop and adapt to changing stock exchange “circles” all the time. However, thanks to hard work as a day trader, I reached a systematic approach, and most importantly stability in trading – in trading profits. I hope that you will also achieve it with a small part of my published articles.
I write for you, therefore feel free to write to me, to ask questions bothering you. I answer to all e-mails, as far as possible.
I wish you a successful adventure in the world of trading!
Tomek Przybycień