Day trading rules – 3 most important for me


How to keep stability in a longer-term in achieved trading results? The answer is simple: stick to defined principles. Principles, which I worked out over the years in trading! Do you want to find out which are the most important for me? Below you will find 3 most important day trading rules for me.

I really invite you to reading this articles. It could save you a lot of money!

RULE #1 – I carry out profits based on what happens on the market

I don’t wish and wait for this one golden shot. I treat trading as a business, and hence “trading for me is a marathon, not a sprint”. Therefore, the stability of profits is on the first place. It gives me peace of mind, mental and financial comfort.

When I began my adventure on capital markets in 2004, for quite a long time I lost on not-processing profits. I had some of my assumptions; however a problem with closing profitable positions always appeared. I planned 10% of the profit, and when I already obtained it, I changed on 20%, next 25%, etc. When the price changed on 20% I felt it was too little, next completely it didn’t want to close 10% because in I had in mind a prior 25% of unrealized gain. After all very often I closed positions with a negligible profit, but usually with stop loss. Unfortunately, it lasted 3 years.

In daytrading I know that my profit is a sum of many profitable and losses transactions. A final result is important. If you will look at presented by me “Trading Reports”, you will notice a large number of transactions in month. Taking this into account, with appropriate keeping adequacy of profits to losses, effectiveness on a level of 50-55 % fully enables to achieve decent, but stable profits from 2007.

In order to achieve it stick to the principle – effective take profits. Remember that a sold profit is a posted profit. Even a very profitable position, which still is an open position – can quickly change into a loss. You decide when to take profit. The question is what if this doesn’t take includes my trading plan?

Below I present one example

It is based on trading under breaking through. To ranges and take profits I look very statistically. I determine the level of profit defined in cent changes, which is on the company. In case of increase it is usually range of 30-50 cents or faster realization followed by a sudden decline. I don’t dream, I don’t invent!

BX Company – two sessions in a row, on which every time I traded on declines. Look at the graph no 1. There was break-through in a decline below 41.60$ – the position was opened at 41.56$ and 41.46$. Profit was on a level of 41.28$. 20-30 cents of changes carried out. I fulfilled assumptions of my strategy. The price dropped in this moment to 41.20$. By which increased to 41.38$. The price after nearly 45 minutes again decreased. Then once again I opened a short position. Notice: I didn’t lose those 45 minutes on observation, which may happen. I took my profit, and I waited for another chance.

After 45 minutes – there was another break-through in a decline and opening short at 41.18$. For breaking through below 41.00$ I counted on a possibility of even greater drop. However, all the time I was prepared up to potential increase. When 41$ changed by decline, but it reached to increase I immediately closed the position above 41$, taking this time 15 cent of profit. The price declined under 41.08$ – again fell to 40.94$, after which there was a strong turn up to 41.39$.



RULE #2 – I trade what the market gives, not what I would like to happen

Returning to above example. Why I didn’t hold the position longer? And what if the price dropped farther? I would earn more. Of course – it’s right, but the fact that I understand my trading strategy causes that I carry out scenarios established by me. I try not to regret, not to speculate. Trading what the market gives, what I can see and results from my strategies –causes that I know what I trade, I know my plan.

Let us look at graph of the same company – day later. New test of a level 41.00$ and again traded short position. Opening at 41.00$, profit at 40.66-70$. Within 45 consecutive minutes the price dropped to 40.53$. So I could earn more. The price could break-through with 40.50$ and continue to fall. Everything is only a speculation.


Taking profits, I already knew that if a volume will reappear, and the price will start test 40.50$, it will be a next potential entry in short. Compare changes under which I traded to what happened later. Decrease from 41.00$ to 40.6$5 was more dynamically, on a strong volume, in principle without corrections. When the first appeared I took profits. Next the price of 40.70$ fell to 40.53$, but how. Changes were already chaotic. I don’t trade this way, so I didn’t have a position then.

RULE #3 – I trade in accordance with my trading plan. And whether you have your own?

As you may have noticed based on these two examples. I trade specifically, I’m interested in order. Before I open the position I know where I plan to close it with loss. I also know my take profit, which statistically at the given stpricegy is established. But I always back my decisions to close the position with tape reading analysis – that is quotes. In some cases, this allows to take larger profit than established in trading plan, and in other causes that I close the position more quickly, because towards it premises appeared.

In trading you have an impact on several factors:

  1. Price at which you will open the position.

  2. Price at which you will close the position with profit.

  3. Price at which you will close the position with loss.

You don’t have the most important impact: where the price will head.

planabThanks to trading plan – you have an impact on how you trade after opening the position. You won’t be surprised. Depending on how the rate will head – you will use your strategy.

Of course, I’m simplifying this issue – because I assume that your trading plan is based on already developed trading strategy. If it isn’t – you will be surprised, because actually you won’t know what you trade and why 🙂

Of course, these are not all my trading principles. There are more of them. To those I would like to draw special attention. After nearly 8 years, where daytrading is with me every day – I clearly determined these principles, which are the most important for me.

And what trading principles are the most important for you? I will be grateful if you share it with me in a comment below 🙂


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