Day trading on NYSE, NASDAQ

Day trading on US Stock Markets

This website is focused on day trading on US Stock Markets. I’ve been doing it since 2007, so all information that you will find there are based on my long experience.


What is day trading?

Day trading means that you open and close position within one trading session. So in example: if you open position on 9:35 a.m. you will need to close it till the end of trading session, so up to 4:00 p.m.

Regarding to day trading, you will also need to know about “Pattern Day Trade Rule“. You will find out about that in article. Just click Pattern Day Trade Rule. You should know how it works before you start trading on US Stock Markets. Why? Because of that you will need to find suitable broker for you.


How day trading looks like?

Please check one of my videos from trading session below. You will find you how quick and profitable it could be. You can add english subtitles in right down corner

What tell us Investopedia about day trading?

Day trading is defined as the buying and selling of a security within a single trading day. This can occur in any marketplace, but is most common in the foreign-exchange (forex) market and stock market. Typically, day traders are well educated and well funded. They utilize high amounts of leverage and short-term trading strategies to capitalize on small price movements in highly liquid stocks or currencies. Day traders serve two critical functions in the marketplace: they keep the markets running efficiently via arbitrage and they provide much of the markets’ liquidity (especially in the stock market). This article will take an objective look at day trading, who does it and how it is done. (Did you know there are schools that teach day trading?